Farrier Blacksmith Workshop

This workshop is designed for individuals at any level that wish to learn, or improve, forging aimed at farriery. While we may do some ornamental work, the primary focus will be on horseshoes and farrier related tools, such as tongs and punches.

For any students that are also coming to one of the regular courses at HHS, the Farrier Blacksmith Workshop is a tremendous advantage. Getting to learn about forging without all the rest that the regular courses are throwing at you allows for you to be a step ahead of your classmates when regular classes start.

3/4 fullered front

There are no horses or class time during this workshop, just 2 weeks of hands-on forge time. It is a good time for the novice to learn the art of forging; the cold-shoer to evolve into a farrier; and the skilled farrier to improve and take their skills to the next level. Becoming a skilled farrier requires that one become proficient in the art of blacksmithing, and we can help you get there.

The first project will be a horseshoe sandwich, followed by simple shoes and bar shoes. We will also make tongs, drifts, forepunches, pritchels, and maybe even some handled tools like a creaser or handled hot-cut. It is a lot of fun, and a good time for the working farrier to take a break from the normal routine, and become better at their job while they do so.

Since it can be so hard for a practicing farrier to get away for 2 weeks, this workshop is set up so that you can attend on a daily or one week basis. Just contact the school for pricing if you would like to come for a shorter time. Since it is like a hands-on clinic, working with individuals at any level is not a problem.

Please note that there is a $100 per week charge for staying in the bunkhouse for the workshops.