Lauryn "Medusa" Schemenauer
Continuing with the Heartland Horseshoeing School Year Of The Woman, my next blog victim is Lauryn Schemenauer. I also call her Medusa, but the nickname has not stuck 100%. Her hair can have a mind of its own at times, bringing Medusa to mind.

We do have as much fun as it looks like.
Lauryn is from Lloydminister, Alberta, Canada, and has had a lifelong love of horses. She has grown up around a couple of shoeing grandfathers and her uncle Mike does a little shoeing as well. Horses have always been there, and Lauryn wants to have a career that will allow her to help and continue to be around these noble beasts that she loves.
Lauryn is just a year out of high school, but has worked as a farm hand. That job was mainly with cattle, but she did get a part time job in retail. That experience only confirmed her love of horses and the need to have a job that would allow her to continue to live a life working with them. Her main goal is to someday make it to the CFR in barrel racing, and she wants to pursue breakaway roping as well. Besides rodeo, Lauryn likes to spend time fishing, quadding (Canadian way of saying four-wheeling), hunting and spending time with her family and friends.

Great form in clipping
Farriery won out over veterinary as a career choice so that she would never have to put down a horse. So far, horseshoeing has proven to be interesting, intriguing, challenging and rewarding. She can’t believe the opportunities that this trade has to offer and she is glad to be involved in a trade that you will never stop learning in.
Lauryn picked Heartland Horseshoeing School for two main reasons. First it seemed the most difficult, which would push her to her limits and keep her motivated. Secondly, the graduates that she had met from Heartland Horseshoeing School had achieved great success in the farrier trade. From talking to them, she knew that this place would challenge her. The main inspiration for coming to HHS was Breanne Rodwell, CF, who she hopes to work with when she gets home.
For now, the short-term goal is to graduate from Heartland Horseshoeing School. Her mom and nana helped pay her way to school based on a promise to graduate. She has another goal to quit smoking. Primarily because I bet her three Chris Gregory Hoof Knives against $100 if she can do it. April 20th was her last day to smoke or vape, so if you see her smoking after that date, please let me know. I really hope I lose. It would be one of my best investments ever.
Long term she wants to make a living as a farrier, supporting herself, helping her family, and giving her animals the best life possible. She is off to a great start, and we have no doubt that she will be successful.

Working on hockey sticks for bar shoe making.

Working on a final horse exam.

Rasping up her shoe in the Oklahoma contest

Yes, it has been a cold spring

With a hat on, the Medusa hair is controlled

After a class forging contest, I was worried about Medusa’s health because her face got so red.
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